Survey on the preferences for smart homes

Energy savings, automatic processes and security are the most convincing arguments worldwide.

The future of quality insulation glass is multifunctional

Is there any way to enhance the technical properties of contemporary quality insulation glass, i.e. its Ug value, light transmission and sound absorption? Several major forums are currently discussing the limits of feasibility and realism. The good news is that there is no shortage of ideas. But what will prove to be feasible in the future?

Mobile Solar Energy Source

The Glass Forum contains the glass-processing branch of the LiSEC Group. The 70-members team processes economically flat glass and thus builds up its machine manufacturing expertise. Among its orders are truly interesting projects, for example, manufacture of the ‘petals’ of the smartflower.

Three days of high tech and future topics

After the conclusion of the trade fair, exhibitors and trade visitors delivered a positive summary of the WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS. Around 3,000 visitors exchanged ideas and attended 165 presentations on future-focused technologies. Stuttgart hosted companies, research institutes, delegations, exhibitors and visitors from a total of 30 countries.

Innovative battery production

WORLD OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS covers the entire value creation chain in the BATTERY+STORAGE exhibition area.

At peace with energy

For advanced environmental protection and workplace safety: the Chinese Government has initiated various measures designed to curb China’s high air pollution. Many foundries are affected by the new regulations too – but not the customers of StrikoWestofen Asia (Taicang). This is because melting furnaces and dosing furnaces made by the StrikoWestofen Group fall significantly below even the new maximum permissible limits for energy consumption and dust emissions.

Symeo at METEC 2015 in Düsseldorf/Germany

At METEC, Symeo GmbH will be presenting components and system solutions for reliable, continuous crane and vehicle positioning, distance measurement and anti-collision in the steel industry. The robust radio-based Symeo technology is especially designed for the use under difficult weather and environment conditions like dirt, dust, steam, smoke, vibrations and extreme temperatures.

Great Opportunities for Printed Electronics

The OE-A published the sixth edition of its roadmap at LOPEC. It describes key trends and key challenges for printed electronics technology. It is obvious, that hybrid systems will experience the most significant development in the short and medium term.

Lasers in Biophotonics and Medical Engineering

The Nobel Prize for Göttingen-based researcher Stefan Hell and his STED microscopy was a milestone in the microscopic exploration of the nanoworld. Lasers, switchable fluorescent markers and imaging techniques provide profound insights into living cells. Lasers are al-ready in the process of revolutionizing medical research, diagnostics and therapy. Biophotonics and medical engineering will again be center stage at the LASER World of PHOTONICS from 22-25 June at the Messe München site.

Úton a fellendülés felé

2014 második negyedévében a német szerszámgépipar megrendelés állománya 1 százalékkal volt magasabb az egy évvel korábban mért értéktől. Az előző évhez képest a hazai megrendelések 16%-kal emelkedtek, míg az export 7%-kal csökkent. Az év első felét tekintve a megrendelés állomány 6%-kal haladta meg az év/év alapon mért bázist. A hazai megrendelések 18%-kal nőttek, a külföldi kereslet pedig 1%-kal zsugorodott.

Mechatronics adds machine safety

Integrated machine safety: The study of mechatronics includes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunication engineering, control engineering, and computer engineering. Original equipment manufacturers need to manage the design process, integrate safety, and recognize mechatronic trends to stay ahead of the technology curve.

The First Industrial Facility in Hungary to Receive “BREAM In-Use” Certification

Prologis, Inc., the leading global owner, operator and developer of industrial real estate, announced today that Prologis Park Budapest-Sziget DC1 has successfully passed the “BREAM In-Use” audit, scoring a “very good” certification. The 10,755-square metre facility is the first industrial building in Hungary to receive this certificate.

NKE Bearings publishes new General Catalogue

Bearing specialist NKE Austria has published its new General Catalogue. With more than 1000 pages the fifth edition of the bearings catalogue contains comprehensive information in both English and German for industrial distributors as well as engineers and designers. The catalogue is available free of charge in print form or as a download from

Deutsche Messe investing in growth in Germany and abroad

Building on success achieved in 2011, Deutsche Messe will invest in further growth and in the development of the Hannover Exhibition Center. During its meeting in Hannover on Thursday, June 28, the Supervisory Board laid the groundwork for the rebuilding of halls 19 and 20, as well as for several acquisitions in Germany and abroad.

Smartes Licht im intelligenten Gebäude

In immer mehr Gebäuden steuert intelligente Systemtechnik Heizung, Lüftung und Klimaanlagen zentral. Zu diesem Zweck werden die einzelnen Teile der Gebäudetechnik über ein BUS-System wie etwa EIB (European Installation Bus) vernetzt, so dass sie miteinander kommunizieren können. Vor allem in großen Gebäuden bedeutet die Gebäudeautomatisierung mehr Komfort für die Nutzer. Zugleich wird der Energieverbrauch optimiert.

Gutes Licht für das Home Office

Immer mehr Berufstätige erledigen zumindest einen Teil ihrer Arbeit zuhause am Schreibtisch. Für viele Selbstständige ist ein Büro in der eigenen Wohnung sogar ein Muss. Besonders motiviert und konzentriert lässt es sich im Home Office arbeiten, wenn die Beleuchtung stimmt. Optimales Licht erleichtert Bürotätigkeiten und steigert gleichzeitig Leistungsbereitschaft und Wohlbefinden, erklärt, die Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht.

Europe's Solar Shines Brightly in 2011

Europe recorded a record-breaking year for solar photovoltaic (PV) power projects in 2011 but its dominance at the top of the world's global solar sector will be challenged in the coming years.

Frische betonen, Ware schonen

Für Fleisch- und Backwaren, Obst- und Gemüsestände ist eine spezielle Beleuchtung gefragt. Licht soll die Frische der Lebensmittel hervorheben, deren Qualität aber nicht beeinträchtigen. So kann etwa zu viel UV- oder Infrarot-Strahlung die Ware schädigen: Schwitzender Käse und vergraute Wurst wirken negativ auf Kunden.

U.S. Power transmission projects

As windfarms and solar parks are brought online to help meet renewable energy requirements, power transmission projects are necessary to deliver the power needed from the new facilities and to the new areas. Industrial Info's Power Industry Project Database currently shows 54 power transmission projects that are scheduled for completion this year.

BASF and Philips first to develop OLED lighting for use as a transparent car roof

BASF and Philips have achieved a practical breakthrough in the development of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) technology that allows it to be integrated in car roofs. The OLEDs are transparent when switched off, allowing for a clear view outside the vehicle, yet providing light only within the vehicle when switched on.

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